Dark Factory’s doors are open, to offer every patron a total nightlife experience of beats, bliss, and multiple levels of reality. How will you choose to make your night? Take this quick quiz and find out!
- Question of
My perfect night out starts with . . .
- Directions to a special underground party
- A quick drink with my friends
- Staying in
- Question of
A packed and sweaty dancefloor is . . .
- My idea of heaven
- Better when you know the DJ
- Way too crowded
- Question of
My favorite 2 AM drink is . . .
- Served in a coffee mug
- An energy smoothie with a kick
- Just what I need after back-to-back sets
- Question of
New technology is . . .
- Another way to have fun
- Another way to understand
- Another way to create
- Question of
My definition of reality is . . .
- Layers and layers of mystery
- What you see is what you get
- Reality is what you make it
- Question of
I love when an experience . . .
- Enlightens me
- Surprises me
- Goes on forever