Of course that’s not my real name. Is your real name “Marfa”?—Oh, that’s sensational! Is your last name Texas? Sorry, not to be offensive . . . “Placebo,” that’s how people know me in the clubs, the root word is to please, to bring pleasure to what can be a very sorry world. [Sings] “Because it’s over fast, because it never lasts—” Well life doesn’t either! And not to be philosophical this early in the day but every time you breathe out, it’s a little death, one less breath, and orgasm, that’s the original little death, which always got me thinking, why did they name it that, “petit mort”? Because if that’s the little death, then maybe the big death is real death, and isn’t that a mindfuck! And a body fuck! Maybe we’ve been doing it all wrong, and it’s meant to be the biggest orgasm of our lives? . . . Anyway. There’s this thing called “Horny Nights,” it took off from Silver Landings. But Horny Nights, sad to say but it is dumb, D-U-M-double B dumb. This is not about wearing aggro horns and flipping your junk around, there is power here, super ancient power. So we plan to make our own horny night that will absolutely not be dumb. We will have all the little deaths!
-Placebo Domingo, Dancer & Choreographer, Dragonistas
Interview with Placebo Domingo, Dancer and Choreographer, Dragonistas
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