Kellie L., barista
At first it seemed like a party, because you didn’t have to pay to get in, or for drinks. But then things started getting intense, so I told Stephen we had to go—Like intense! These women, they were kneeling down on the dancefloor and praying, like to God! And a guy was crawling up the big ramp with another guy on his back, like big disgusting creepy bugs. And this older guy had a tray of pink paper cups, he was saying Treats, treats, who wants treats—No! Who knows what was in them? Finally I made Stephen take me home. But he went back . . . He’s still not over it! Last night he kept talking about words in the steam on the windows—No, like the window did it by itself—I don’t know how, ask him! Ask him why he quit his job!
-Kellie L., barista
Someone should get sued for this, or put in jail, you can’t just wreck people’s lives that way. I don’t even like being alone with Stephen anymore.
Stephen Thurmann, former water regulation technician:
It said, “Look at you.”
-Stephen Thurmann, former water regulation technician