Koja’s Bohemia burns through an eternal now: no one acknowledges their elders, or talks wistfully of the scenes they were born too late to be a part of. There’s no throwback music or fashion, not even a sense of tomorrow. Just the obsession with constructing and maintaining a consensus hallucination in which our reality disappears into something more carnal, more urgent, more atavistic.
Koja has conceived of this book as an “immersive novel.” The storyline is interleaved with all manner of “bonus content” hinting at a potential sprawl of fanfic, ships, and fan media – material that might conjure the scene she imagined into the real world, or suck the real world into its pages. The book’s site includes blog posts penned by its characters, videos and other mixed media.
-Cory Doctorow, Pluralistic, March 20, 2022
Pluralistic: 20 Mar 2022 – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow