It’s been honestly a privilege to beta Birds of Paradise—I can’t be too specific until launch, but what’s really resonating for me is the depth of the realism—My avatar is a neon capybara. So, not that kind of realism! But the emotional realism is something very special. You’ve heard about what happened [to Birds of Paradise] in conjunction with the DJ event, Dark Park? Do you know what veridical metrics are? Do you know who Max Caspar is? Max Caspar was there when it was streaming, right there on the beach . . . A lot of us believe that Max is the reason we’re experiencing this level of realism now. We see Max as, maybe this is not exactly the word, but as the soul, Max is the soul of [Birds of Paradise] . . . I’ve never talked to him, you know, in game, but I would like to thank him. For everything he’s done.
-Alyson Z., coder, gamer
Interview with Alyson Z., coder, gamer

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